Thursday, July 7, 2016

Fourth of July :: from afar

Who needs fireworks when you have a room full of friends? This year a bunch of us were in HK for the Fourth. So we rented out the party room and had a good old-fashioned potluck! Macaroni and cheese, pulled pork, baked beans, apple crisp.... the works. Set up the mic and had kid-produced-karaoke and played musical chairs.

For me, the Fourth marks the middle of summer... which, as a teacher, means that we are about halfway through the restful stretch of non-schedules and home-projects. So strange - it seems like it showed up so quickly this year! Does time really just keep feeling faster the older we get?

This article struck a chord with me - as an expat family that can no longer claim 'newbie' status... surrounded by the endless cycle of goers, stayers, and newbies. Curious? Click on it - it's a great read.

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